The Jamaica Gleaner
Ronald Thwaites —Building strong Institutions
Strong institutions make for a free society. Soon after the founding of the new United States, French journalist Alexis de Tocqueville toured the country and concluded that the strength of democracy was best assured by the multiplicity of popular organizations—communities of commerce, religion and of every common pursuit of humankind ….
Ronald Thwaites | Can good come from this Nazareth?
Oct. 24, 2022: A single theme coursing through the narrative of GraceKennedy’s centenary lecture, recounting their 100 -year history, was that of trust. It is the scarcest, but most necessary of personal and civic virtues; the building block of all social...
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Kaieteur News
The Writer’s Forum…An Interview with Dr Fred Kennedy, author of ‘Huareo – Story of a Jamaican Cacique’
April 24, 2016: Dr Fred Kennedy agrees that there is an Amerindian rebirth, a resurgence of interest in indigenous cultures that spurred him to write the critically acclaimed, Huareo – Story of a Jamaican Cacique...
Kaieteur News
Book Review…The Amerindians: Lessons from the past
Jan. 31, 2016: In this ground-breaking historiography, author Fred W. Kennedy recaptures an existential era that shaped the destiny of multiple peoples...